It's good. If you don't know who I am I commented on the Mario flash you put on Youtube. First off, I think you should stick to just brightening your background instead of blurring it. Honestly I think you overuse filter effects. It adds style but I think maybe you should tone down your use of filter effects. Also, honestly they aren't really that funny to me. Maybe you should try writing your own Mario parody instead of always getting people to write for you. It would be something new. I could give you some funny ideas too if you wanted, I've been told my ideas are funny. One more thing. STREAM ALL YOUR MUSIC AND SOUNDS! That way if you pause it the sound will continue where it left off. All the good sprite animators do it, trust me. Oh, and try to make your movements smoother. Then you'll be on your way to Front Page. So anyway, good job. 7/10.