OBVIOUSLY SMBZ inspired. You hardly even needed to put that in, though lots of fanboys would most certainly be zero bombing you if you didn't. There are so many of these cliche sprite series (usually never finished) and honestly, this one kind of stood out a bit (yes, only a BIT). Anyway here's my criticism.
The sprites were... okay. They worked. I didn't like how you tried to mix bad quality photo images, amateur drawing and sprites into one either. Next time stick to just sprites or when you get good, maybe you can draw your own landscapes and crap, though custom spriting would be a step up. Another thing, trash the stickmen. It's not a very good idea to put both sticks and sprites into one Flash, especially if the sticks aren't animated too well, even if you can 3-D render them, it still isn't an exception. Again, stick to sprites. The placement of "Kirby 64 - Rock Star" was very unfitting, but that happens to be one of my favorite video game songs so I won't drop my rating for that. If I see another episode of this series I will most certainly watch it and hopefully, you'll have improved by then.
I would've given this review a 5/10 or something but I enjoyed the Donkey Kong part so much I decided to bump it up a bit. Of course though, I am very lenient with my reviews (a little too lenient actually). The credits at the end are a bit broken at some point too. You might wanna fix that.