Severely overlooked game.
This is a game everyone deserves to know about. It's brilliant, funny and ORIGINAL. It also had great music. I remember playing this as a kid. I could never beat that symbol puzzle (the one that opens the door to that tower that you can go inside while on the red spiky vehicle) therefore I could never get that final video cartridge and get the last key (how was I supposed to know keys could be given through video), I was stuck for years until I finally figured out what the symbol with the weird sound represented. Great game, indeed. Someone should make a Flash parody of this game or something to get it out more. Maybe I will some day.
P.S. You heard they're making a movie about The Neverhood and it'll be released sometime next year, right? I can't wait for that. It'd better be in clay too, that'll bring back that nostalgic feel.